ACTION ALERT: Please Ask the HGO Committee to SUPPORT HB1358 Which Would Protect the Fundamental Right to Medical Privacy
Health – Protection of Personal Medical Information
Establishing that each individual within the State has a right to confidentiality and privacy concerning the individual’s personal medical information; prohibiting certain persons from adopting certain policies relating to an individual’s personal medical information or requiring the release or revelation of an individual’s personal medical information; prohibiting an employer from requesting or requiring the release of an individual’s personal medical information under certain circumstances; etc.
why icm SUPPORTS HB1358
- Medical history and diagnostic information is private and protected under existing federal law. No employer or public institution or service otherwise accessible to the public should have access to personal medical information.
- No patient should be denied access to medical care based on any aspect of their medical history which does not otherwise prohibit a course of treatment. There is no demonstrated benefit to individuals or society from denying patients access to care based on any aspect of their medical status.
- Healthcare providers and facilities have successfully and safely treated patients with infectious diseases for decades; effective protocols have been established to safely administer healthcare to all patients regardless of medical history. There is no societal benefit or public health justification for denial of care.
Who to contact about HB1358
There will be a hearing for HB1358 before the Health and Government Operations Committee on 3/14/2022 at 2:00 PM.
URGENT: We’re asking all members to call and email Delegate Grammer and the members of Health and Government Operations Committee and let them know, in your own words, why you support HB1358.
If you’re a constituent of his – in District 6 – let him know!
Please copy and paste the following email addresses of the Health and Government Operations Committee members into the BCC section of your email in support of HB1358:
Please call the offices of the Health and Government Operations Committee members in support of HB1347:
Please note: Rules for submitting written and oral testimony have changed this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, and can be viewed here. We’re asking members for phone calls, emails, and written testimony only at this time.
Please spread the word! Let’s flood the offices of Delegate Grammer and the HGO committee members with polite, respectful, forceful emails and phone calls. They need to hear our voices!