Action Alert: Please Ask the Senate Finance and the HGO Committee Members to OPPOSE SB237/HB290 Which Seeks to Usurp Parental Authority and Impose Needless Restrictions on School Access
why icm OPPOSES SB237/HB290
- Oral health is not communicable among classmates. Lack of oral health assessment or poor oral health should not prevent a child's access to school or daycare.
- A wellness visit and assessment by a pediatrician is required to attend school or daycare; oral health problems posing serious immediate health risks to students, such as acute tooth infections, can be diagnosed by pediatricians who provide referrals to the appropriate specialists when needed. Imposing additional requirements to attend school or daycare places an additional burden on parents with no evidence of improved outcomes.
- This bill interferes with parental rights by superseding parental discretion in choosing their dental healthcare providers and working with their providers individually in determining the most appropriate care and services for their family.
- This bill fails to outline what constitutes a complete dental exam and what requirements would have to be met to attain an oral health certificate; approaches to dental health are broad and there is no current set of medical standards that provides this guidance.
- The bill also fails to outline what protocol would be in place for a child whose oral health is deemed to be poor, potentially keeping the child from attending school.
Please note: You must register to give testimony for SB237 between 8 AM and 3 PM on Monday, February 13th. You must register to give testimony for HB290 between 8 AM and 3 PM on Friday, February 10th.
Who to contact about SB237/HB290
There will be a hearing for SB237 before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday, 2/14/22 at 1:00 PM.
There will be a hearing for HB290 before the Health and Government Operations Committee on Wednesday, 2/14/22 at 1:00 PM.
Please contact the following bill sponsors to express your opposition:
Please copy and paste the following email addresses of the Senate Finance Committee members into the BCC section of your email in opposition to SB237:
Please also copy and paste the following email addresses of the Health and Government Operations Committee members into the BCC section of your email in opposition to HB290:
Please call the offices of the Senate Finance Committee members in opposition to SB237:
Please call the offices of the Health and Government Operations Committee members in opposition to HB290:
Please spread the word! Let’s flood the offices of the SB237/HB290 sponsors, the Senate Finance committee members, and HGO committee members with polite, respectful, forceful emails and phone calls. They need to hear our voices! the
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