Call to Action! HB1242 protects fundamental parental rights and needs your support!



HB1242, introduced on 2/7/2020, protects the fundamental rights of all parents to direct the upbringing, education, care, and welfare of their children without interference from state government. This bill needs our support!


HB1242 Hearing scheduled this coming THURSDAY, 3/5/2020, 1:00 pm before the Judiciary Committee

Parents in Maryland: please come testify at this hearing! Members of the Judiciary Committee must hear our voices!


HB1242 protects parents and their kids against the troubling overreach proposed in minor consent bills HB87/SB135 defeated earlier this month as well as numerous bills proposed this session, such as HB611, which seek to undermine and usurp parental authority, and potentially expose minors to tremendous risk from medical diagnoses, interventions, or treatments which minors can’t possibly assess.


HB1242 protects the fundamental rights of parents and their kids in the state of Maryland.

Please contact the Judiciary Committee members to express your support!
(See Judiciary Committee members’ contact information below)


NOTE: Please keep in mind that the most effective way to support this bill is to keep our arguments broad, pertaining to all aspects of health and welfare. While we are passionate about specific issues pertaining to informed consent and medical freedom, this bill has the best chance of passage through committee if committee members receive broad, general statements of support from Maryland citizens pertaining to all articles of the bill including upbringing, education, health, and welfare.

Points to consider when drafting your email:


  • This bill upholds the fundamental rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, care, and welfare of their children, which has been under attack this session in certain proposed legislation.
  • Parents demonstrably have the highest vested interest in their children’s welfare and are best equipped to make important decisions for their children regarding their care.
  • The state provides remedies for rare cases in which children are living in circumstances of abuse and neglect. There is no context in which it’s necessary or appropriate for the state legislature to pass laws which undermine or usurp the authority of all parents, the vast majority of whom provide much better care and decision-making for their children than the state is capable of providing.
  • The Supreme Court ruled in 1979: “Most children, even in adolescence, simply are not able to make sound judgements concerning many decisions, including their need for medical care or treatment. Parents can and must make those judgements.”(

Copy and paste these email addresses and add to the BCC section of the email:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Call the offices of the Judiciary Committee members:

Delegate Phone
Anderson, Curt 410-841-3291 | 301-858-3291
Arikan, Lauren 410-841-3334 | 301-858-3334
Atterbeary, Vanessa E. – Vice Chair 410-841-3471 | 301-858-3471
Bartlett, J. Sandy 410-841-3370 | 301-858-3370
Cardin, Jon S. 410-841-3054 | 301-858-3054
Clippinger, Luke – Chair 410-841-3488 | 301-858-3488
Conaway, Frank M., Jr. 410-841-3189 | 301-858-3189
Cox, Daniel L. 410-841-3288 | 301-858-3288
Crutchfield, Charlotte 410-841-3485 | 301-858-3485
Davis, Debra 410-841-3337 | 301-858-3337
Fisher, Wanika 410-841-3340 | 301-858-3340
Grammer, Robin L., Jr. 410-841-3298 | 301-858-3298
Lewis, Jazz 410-841-3691 | 301-858-3691
Lopez, Lesley J. 410-841-3021 | 301-858-3021
Malone, Michael E. 410-841-3510 | 301-858-3510
McComas, Susan K. 410-841-3272 | 301-858-3272
Moon, David 410-841-3474 | 301-858-3474
Pippy, Jesse T. 410-841-3118 | 301-858-3118
Shetty, Emily 410-841-3181 | 301-858-3181
Watson, Ron 410-841-3448 | 301-858-3448
Griffith, Mike 410-841-3444 | 301-858-3444
Williams, Nicole A. 410-841-3058 | 301-858-3058

Please spread the word! Let’s flood Judiciary Committee members with polite, respectful, forceful emails and phone calls. They need to hear our voices!

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2 Thoughts on “Call to Action! HB1242 protects fundamental parental rights and needs your support!

  1. The state provides remedies for rare cases in which children are living in circumstances of abuse and neglect. There is no context in which it’s necessary or appropriate for the state legislature to pass laws which undermine or usurp the authority of all parents, the vast majority of whom provide much better care for their children than the state is capable of providing.

  2. Freedoms did not come to us for free. It should be said that those in a position to take away freedoms should not be doing so by the stroke of a pen nor by a vote among select groups in politics. Loving parents and close families must retain the freedom to guide their youth into adulthood without government officials’ interference. Thank you for defending what people fought and died for which is our freedoms.

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