Text of SB237 & HB290: Public Health – Dental Services – Access Requiring parents and guardians of children enrolled in the Maryland Public School System, a family child care home, a large child care home, or a child care center to provide to the System, the home, or the facility […]

Text of SB378: Public Health – Vaccinations – Minor Consent Providing that minors who are at least 14 years old have the same capacity as an adult to consent to vaccination; authorizing minors under the age of 14 years to consent to vaccination under certain circumstances; and providing that the […]

Text of HB119 & SB199: Primary and Secondary Education – Comprehensive Health Education Framework – Established Requiring the State Department of Education, in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health, to develop a comprehensive health education framework; requiring each county board of education to create an age-appropriate curriculum that is […]

TEXT OF SB857 – Hospital Flu Vaccines: Requiring hospitals to immunize patients against the influenza virus and pneumococcal disease except under certain circumstances; and providing for the manner of obtaining consent for and conducting the immunizations for a hospital patient. Read the full bill here Thanks to our members, this bill […]

TEXT OF SB839 – Maryland Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccine Passport: Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to ensure that the Maryland MyIR Mobile immunization record service meets certain design requirements for its voluntary use as a vaccine passport for displaying COVID-19 vaccination information on a mobile device; etc. Read the full bill […]

TEXT OF HB589 -Adult Protective Services – Vulnerable Adults Registry – Investigations and Records of Abuse and Neglect and Workgroup Study Establishing certain requirements and procedures relating to the reporting, disclosure, investigation, and appeal of civil allegations and findings of abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults; authorizing the Social Services Administration […]

TEXT OF HB1378 Hospitals, Related Institutions, and Hospice Facilities – COVID-19 and Other Catastrophic Health Emergencies – Visitation Prohibiting a hospital, related institution, or hospice facility from restricting the visitation of a patient’s family member or health care agent based on measures related to COVID-19 or any catastrophic health emergency; […]

TEXT OF HB1358 Health – Protection of Personal Medical Information Establishing that each individual within the State has a right to confidentiality and privacy concerning the individual’s personal medical information; prohibiting certain persons from adopting certain policies relating to an individual’s personal medical information or requiring the release or revelation […]

TEXT OF HB1376 Labor and Employment – COVID-19 Vaccinations – Exemption Process (No Jabs for Jobs) Requiring an employer to develop a process to allow an employee to obtain an exemption from a COVID-19 vaccination requirement; prohibiting an employer from terminating or forcing an employee to resign under certain circumstances; […]